Furry and Human Edition Patron Update v.47

Hello, everyone!

My patrons voted for it and here it is! I'm so excited to bring this scene to you guys! The winner of the poll for Ending 52 waaaaasssss... The University's Zebra Vice Principal! The Vice Principal is I think one of the most intimidating preds I've written yet and definitely one of the most authoritative and he is definitely more than willing to CV you without a second thought. Though he also needs someone to pump you into when he's done... Though... even if you manage to distract the VP and get him out of his office, don't be surprised if he still manages to get his due! Expect to see some bonus OV along the way! This is one of my top CV scenes I've done yet so definitely check it out. I have also decided to start including an excerpt from the new scene in my updates so check it out at the bottom of the post!

Don't worry though! The runners up in the character poll will get a second chance! They were:
2nd: Art Student - Labrador - Unaware Micro OV (New Character)

3rd: Track Captain - Rabbit - OV (New Character)

These two will get another shot in the next character poll unless someone chooses to commission a scene with one of them first!

Also I finally did a new word count and counting the flavor text and descriptions but not counting the human edition the game has reached approximately 220,000 words and 37 different preds!! :D

To see your own character in the game or join the Patron Only Discord Server please visit my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/EscapetheNeighborhood


Update Notes for Furry and Human Editions:

Major Updates:

- Added the new Full Size CV scene featuring the Zebra Vice Principal.  

Minor Updates:

- Added a new Cheat Code for Swallowed+ Tier patrons to access the new scene.

- Accessing the Vice Principal's office without getting eaten now requires a couple more steps, but you do get to spy some bonus OV in exchange! That is, depending on how willing you are to throw your fellow prey under the hungry bus. ;)
- The link to the previous release of the online version has been retired.

- Fixed an error that prevented accessing the Bull AV scene in the Furry Version if you were carrying the Eggs when bullied by Ajax.  

For the Human Edition:

- As of Version 46.5 the password feature is no longer required after the tier combination! The game now asks if you wish to play the Human or Furry version up front. You can also toggle the version in your Phone Settings.


Here is the link to the walkthrough (If you're not a patron and you're just curious about what's in the game please take a look!): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QfnsOpJbRMcyuyGEjc1Gvz-rk_06CDLm65vjbK2ITxA/

Here is the link again to the NEW Public Furry Edition Demo: https://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/fzswkqrtqeodggfa7c1sug/escape-the-neighb...

Here is the link again to the NEW Public Human Edition Demo: https://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/z5yiuma9fuylh6_sqvpvvw/escape-the-neighb...


As always if anyone has any trouble or questions please let me know!

Thank you all so very much again for your support and I hope you enjoy!


Excerpt from the new scene:

“You've certainly always been a good student. You're currently sitting at a 3.97 GPA and if your final grades for this semester remained the same you'd go up to a 3.98. Certainly doing your part to bring up our average, that's certain.” He chuckles slightly, though there's little mirth behind it.

You don't know how he rattles those numbers off without looking at a single paper or his computer, in fact he never takes his eyes off you, making you absolutely feel locked in place.

“Thank you, sir...” You say softly.

“Indeed. I appreciate your hard work. It's a shame to lose your contribution. However, waste not want not.” He gives you an indecipherable smile that you struggle to reciprocate.

“Come over here, Mr. Darwin.” His voice is still as calm and level but degree of authority in it hits you like a truck and your legs respond before your brain even realizes you're moving.

“Sorry, sir?” You finally squeak out as you realize you've about bumped into his desk.

The huge zebra leans back slightly in his office chair and rotates around to the side before crooking a finger at you, “Come around, Mr. Darwin.”

Hesitantly you make your way around the same side of the desk as the large predator. He gives you another cold smile. Even sitting down he's still quite a bit taller than you. Up close he feels even bigger and more intimidating than ever.

Mr. Silvergrass rests his forearms on the armrests and spreads his legs widely. You can see he is wearing the dark green slacks you expected, as well as a pair of huge, brilliantly polished, black, leather dress shoes. You can also see a suspicious large bulge snaking its way down his left thigh. A very very large bulge.

“Mr. Darwin. From the drool dribbling down your chin it seems we both want the same thing. How about you continue to show how useful you can be and come over here and kneel.” He points at you before pointing down at the floor directly in front of him expectantly, continuing to point down as he waits.

You want to hesitate but the sudden shock of what's happening combined with the incredibly authoritative aura he puts off is extremely hard to cope with and you can almost feel your brain short circuiting trying to compensate.

“This is what you want, isn't it?” The Vice Principal casually squeezes the huge bulge, making you swallow hard as you see the fabric of his pants strain to contain it, “I'm not asking. Now. Get on your knees for me.”


Get Escape the Neighborhood!

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